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Empower Your Clients with Telescope Health

Elevate Client Satisfaction, Boost Sales, and Simplify Healthcare Navigation

Discover how Telescope Health can support you in delivering unparalleled service to your clients.

Telescope Health: Enhancing Client Value

Our dedicated team of physicians and care navigators are available 24/7. Elevate your clients’ experience with seamless healthcare access, expert guidance, and comprehensive support, leading to reduced claims, improved productivity and increased satisfaction.


We can help:

  • See a provider virtually anytime from your phone or computer
  • Get prescriptions sent electronically
  • Receive guidance for serious conditions and specialty referrals
  • Find care and price navigation to local providers and facilities
  • Arrange testing or diagnostic services

Some of the conditions we treat:

Colds & Flus
Sore Throat
Sprains & Strains
Sinus Infections

Supporting the health and well-being of your clients.

Together we do this by providing on-demand access to physicians, care providers and care navigators.

Our 24/7 Care Navigators are here to help patients navigate their healthcare journey, finding the most cost-effective solutions for their needs.

Table Item Typical Telehealth Companies Telescope Health
Treat common conditions (sore throat, UTI, allergies, rashes)11
Provide guidance for serious conditions and specialty referral1
Care and price navigation to local providers and facilities1
Testing or diagnostic services1
Smiling Woman

At Telescope Health, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive care that doesn’t end with the physician visit. By offering additional 24/7 support and guidance from our care navigation team, we can save your clients both time and money while ensuring their employees receive the care they need. We offer a valuable benefit that can help increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and quality of life. Join us and revolutionize your healthcare experience today.


Read what our clients are saying.

Learn how we can help your clients thrive.
